Our Grandson is growing
As you can see, our Grandson, Thomas, has grown in the last 3 months! He is still trying to determine the color of his eyes. It would be very unusual to see other than dark Greeky eyes in this family. Thomas's eyes might be different though because he has a maternal grandfather and a paternal great grandfather who both had blue eyes. He is a cute little fuss budget who likes to be held but LOVES to be walked while being held!!
Here is a picture of Thomas's cousin, Saranita. She is pretending to be the Spring Bunny in this picture from last month. Actually, we had to snap the picture quickly before she snatched the offending ears off her head! As you can tell, she does have those dark Greek eyes.
Here is a picture of Thomas's cousin, Saranita. She is pretending to be the Spring Bunny in this picture from last month. Actually, we had to snap the picture quickly before she snatched the offending ears off her head! As you can tell, she does have those dark Greek eyes.
At 1:59 PM, Genuine Lustre said…
When are you off on your trip?
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