Pistol Packin' Presbytera

Presbytera, in the Greek culture, is the wife of the Father, or parish priest.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Jesse Tree December 21

The stable is added today to the Jesse Tree. Mary and Joseph were in Bethlehem because they had to return for a census. Little did the officials know that the young One they counted as child to Mary and Joseph would be the One who would redeem the whole world.

There is such contrast in the Christmas story
~~the One who was Son of David was also David's Lord
~~the little town of Bethlehem would be the birthplace of the King of the Universe
~~the One who born in a feeding trough for animals would feed the world with His Body and Blood
~~the One who appeared as the son of the lowly carpenter Joseph was truly the Son of God.

At Bethlehem, in David's town, As Micah did of old make known;
'Tis Jesus Christ, your Lord and King, Who doth to all salvation bring.


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