Pistol Packin' Presbytera

Presbytera, in the Greek culture, is the wife of the Father, or parish priest.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Jesse Tree December 1

On the first day of December, the apple goes on the tree. The apple, of course, represents Adam and Eve, the very oldest of Jesus's ancestors. God commanded that they not eat of the Tree in the center of the garden but we all know what happened. They thought they knew better than God. They were tempted and choose the evil path. The temptation today is to think that if WE had been in the garden, we would have obeyed. HA!

Think on these words penned by Lazarus Spengler in the 16th century

All mankind fell in Adam's fall, One common sin infects us all;
From sire to son the bane descends, And over all the curse impends.

Those are sobering words that condemn us all. Ah, Advent, the season of repentance. In the fall, the image of God was lost and blurred and we don't even seek to be saved. Thanks be to God who sent His Son to seek for us.
We expectantly hope for the coming Savior.


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