Pistol Packin' Presbytera

Presbytera, in the Greek culture, is the wife of the Father, or parish priest.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Pastors Playing

What do pastors do when they get together to have fun? Study the Bible? Discuss theological points? Show each other their new vestments? These 2 pastors are practicing their self defense techniques. We all know how handy that is for a pastor!

Here are the same pastors using the good heads that God gave them to figure out how to fit a microwave in this space.

The vented hood is still there instead of the microwave. Eventually they do remove the hood, modify the space and use some of those muscles developed in self defense class to get the microwave up and in. For a pastor, this is called playing or going on vacation.

Another way that pastors relax and play is to strap on a bullet resistant Kevlar vest and go out into the dark jungle of the inner city and ride around looking for trouble. I'm fairly certain that these two did actually find trouble the night they went out. What a way to play!


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