Jesse Tree December 17
Elizabeth brings to mind all those in the Old Testament who waited with patience(or NOT) to conceive
~~Sarah who tried to fulfill the promise through her servant Hagar
~~Rachel who offered her slave Bilhah to bear children for Jacob
~~Hannah who gave her much awaited son, Samuel, to serve in the Temple
These woman all waited to become pregnant and when the Lord removed their barren-ness, it was a sign of the mercy of God. In today's world where over a million children are thrown away, many have lost the wonder that each child is a gift from God. We are no longer like the Israelites who wondered if each child was THE ONE who was coming. Even Eve when she conceived, after the promise of the Savior was given in the Garden of Eden, named her son Cain as if he might be the Man, the promised one.
But Elizabeth knew that the Promised One was in the womb of her relative Mary. When Mary came to visit Elizabeth, she greeted her as "the mother of my Lord." The Holy Spirit revealed to Elizabeth that Mary was to be blessed among women because of the Child she would bear. What joy! It is fitting that we hear about Elizabeth during the third week of Advent when the introit is "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say,, Rejoice."
Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes, The Savior promised long;
Let ev'ry heart prepare a throne And ev'ry voice a song.
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